What is Downward Communication?

Date :14-12-2009 

Lecture : 27
Dhaka Commerce College.

Downward communication  is the communication in which information flows from superior to subordinates.Through downward communication,managers communicate organizational goal policies, Procrustes,orders,instructions, diction etc.to there subordinates.

Downward communication can be written or oral.Written forms of downward communication are notices,handbook, electronic news display etc.

Oral communication maybe speeches, meetings, telephone conversation etc.

"A message that flows from a supervisor to supervise is known as downward communication."   

                                                                                                                                >Boone &Others

"Messages which go from the higher authority levels to the lower level are downward communication."

                                                                                                                                > Dr. Urmilla Rai

"Downward communication is the flow of information through the higher level to lower level.

                                                                                                                                  > S.P.Arora.

The downward communication flows in the following way:

Fig:Downward Communication

Special Features:

1.Information flows from superior to subordinate.
2.Downward communication maybe written or oral.
3.It maybe direction,instructions,orders etc.
4.Feedback on performance
5.Work assignments and directions.

Finally we can say that when message flows from upward downward,it is considered as downward communication.



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